In light of the initiative of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, as stated in this year’s Address regarding the celebration of the 2550th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights by ”KURUSHI KABIR” (Cyrus the Great), and within the framework of the action plan of the National University of Tajikistan, a scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “The ”KURUSHI KABIR” (Cyrus Cylinder) – A Human-Centered Document” was held today at the Faculty of Physics.

The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Zafar Abdulamin Kodirzoda, who noted that ”KURUSHI KABIR” (Cyrus the Great) is recognized in the history of world culture and civilization as a just ruler who considered the observance of human rights, justice, and fairness as the foundation for the development and formation of societies. The Declaration of ”KURUSHI KABIR” (Cyrus the Great) is unique in history and is regarded as a symbol of wisdom, kindness, and justice, representing our pride.

Continuing the event, the Director of the Scientific-Research Center of the Leader of the Nation at the University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Jamoliddin Sharifov, delivered a speech on the topic ”KURUSHI KABIR” (Cyrus the Great) in the Thoughts of Past Thinkers.”