
Dean – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Kadirzoda Zafar Abdulamin
He was born on September 7, 1992 in the Republic of Tajikistan in the family of a worker. In 2010, he graduated from general secondary school No. 2 of Khovaling district and in the same year entered the Faculty of Physics of DMT in the specialty of general physics. In 2015, he graduated from the National University of Tajikistan with an “excellent” diploma on the specialty 1-31040103-physics with the profession of Physicist – teacher.
In September 2015, he started teaching as an assistant in the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics of DMT.
From 2017 to 2020, he was a graduate student of the Department of Theoretical Physics, and on May 18, 2022, he submitted his candidate’s thesis at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU) successfully defended and received the title of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
From December 2021 to the beginning of July 2022, he held the position of deputy dean for distance education at the Faculty of Physics.
In July 2022, he was appointed as the dean of the Faculty of Physics by the order of the rector of DMT.
Within the framework of his work, Kadirzoda Zafar Abdulamin has received several awards and certificates of appreciation, the most important of which are “Honorary Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “Honorary Award of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan”, “Honorary Award of the Faculty of Physics of DMT”. He is the author of more than 20 scientific articles, 2 teaching manuals.

Avazi Mirzo – deputy dean for education
He was born on January 3, 1990 in the district of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni in the family of a worker. In 2008, he graduated from general secondary education school No. 77 of Dushanbe city, and in the same year entered the Faculty of Physics of DMT in the specialty of general physics. In 2013, he graduated from the National University of Tajikistan with the specialization “Physics. “Physics teacher” graduated.
Work and experience:
Years 2010-2014 Teacher of physics at DMT LyceumIn 2014-2015, he was a teacher of physics and head of the Student Organization of the DMT Lyceum.
In 2015-2017, the head of the part-time department at the college of informatics and computer technology. Dushanbe
2017-2018 Head of the student organization and physics teacher of DMT Lyceum *2018-2019 Assistant of the Department of Physics Teaching Methods
From 2019 until now, Deputy Dean for Education and senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education.
Avazi Mirza’s activity in the field of science is fruitful, he conducted his research on the topic of “Experimental studies of the structure and physical properties of carbon nanocomposite polymer materials” and published more than 30 scientific articles in domestic and foreign journals.

LUTFULLOEV Najibullo Ayubovich – deputy dean for education
He was born on May 9, 1990 in the Republic of Tajikistan. Graduated from the National University of Tajikistan (DMT) (2013), assistant of the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics. After graduating from the university, he worked as a senior laboratory assistant, head of an educational laboratory and an assistant at the Department of Astronomy of the Faculty of Physics. Since 2019, he has been working as an academic advisor at the Faculty of Physics. He is a member of the Faculty’s Council of Scientists and a member of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan. He is the author of more than 8 scientific articles. Awarded with the honor of the National University of Tajikistan and the faculty.

Sharipov Jurabek Gulovich – deputy dean for science and international relations
Sharipov Jurabek Gulovich – deputy dean for science and international relations of the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Tajikistan, candidate of physics and mathematics, associate professor Sharipov Jurabek Gulovich was born on February 24, 1985 in the Republic of Tajikistan in the family of a mechanic.
In 2002, he graduated from Qutbi Kiromi secondary school No. 2 of Urmetant village, Aini district, and in the same year entered the full-time department of the Faculty of Physics of the National State University of Tajikistan. In 2007, he graduated from the National State University of Tajikistan with the specialty 012600, the profession of an engineer-meteorologist.
After graduating from the university, from 2007 to 2011, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, Tajik State National University (DMT), and in 2012-2013, he worked as a researcher at the “Physics of Condensed Environments” Department of the Scientific and Research Institute of DMT .
In 2013-2014, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, DMT.
In 2014-2017, he was an assistant at the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Physics, DMT.
On May 6, 2017, he defended his thesis on “Thermodynamic properties of alloys Zn55Al, Zn5Al, alloyed with rare earth metals (Sc, Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu)”, and on November 1, 2017, he was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
At the same time, from 2017 to May 10, 2019, he was the Chairman of the Board of Curators of the Faculty of Physics. Since May 10, 2019, he has been working as the deputy dean for science and international relations of the Faculty of Physics.
On October 31, 2020, by order of the rector of DMT, professor Khushvahtzoda K.Kh. Associate Professor of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology was elected.
Within the scope of his work, Sharipov Jurabek Gulovich was awarded with a certificate of honor by the Faculty of Physics, dedicated to the “Youth Day of Tajikistan”.
He is the author of more than 29 scientific articles, including a monograph (Thermodynamic properties of zinc-aluminium alloys, alloyed RZM), a textbook (General Meteorology) and an educational manual (Hydrometeorological provision in agriculture and agrometeorology).

Latipova Sarvinoz Zikkuloevna Deputy Dean for Distance Education
Latipova Sarvinoz Zikkuloevna, on September 1, 1989 in the district of M.S.A. Hamadoni of Khatlon region was born in the family of a teacher. In 2007, he graduated with honors and entered the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Tajikistan.
In 2011, he went to Moscow State University named after M. V. Lamonosov to complete his diploma thesis. He defended his diploma thesis in 2012 on the topic “COMPARISON OF CHARACTERISTICS OF FANCY MODELS AND MODELS OF NUCLEAR VZAIMODEYSTVIA PAKETA CORSIKA PRI SVERHVYSOKIH ENERGIII”. In 2012, he graduated from the university with a red diploma.
In January 2013, he submitted his documents to the post-graduate department of DMT, and after entering the post-graduate course, he continued his studies as an intern at the M.V. Lamonosov State University. After graduating from graduate school, since 2017, he has been working as an assistant in the Department of Thermal Physics of the Faculty of Physics of DMT. During the years 2018-2019, he worked as the chairman of the Board of Curators of the Faculty of Physics. During this period of his work, he was the author of more than 20 scientific and methodical articles and participated in many national and international conferences.
- 3rd International Cosmic Ray Workshop, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2013.
- 3rd international cosmic rays workshop ICRW-2013, Dushanbe 2013.
- International conference “Micromir and macromir” – Moscow 2012 and 2013).
- Republican conference on nuclear-physical methods of analysis of biological, geological, chemical and medical objects (Dushanbe-2014).
- International conference for young scientists from CIS countries “Related physical and astrophysical problems of high energy particles” Dushanbe-2014.
- Symposium ISVHECRI-2016, Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) named after Lebedev. Moscow-2017.
- International conference for young scientists from CIS countries. Almaty (Kazakhstan), September 24-30, 2017.
- “Cambridge Central Asia Forum” – Astana (Kazakhstan), 23.04.2018 – 25.04.2018 GCRF COMPASS project.
- International conference for young scientists from CIS countries. Almaty (Kazakhstan), August 25 – September 1, 2018.
- 16’s Kurchatovskaya, multidisciplinary youth scientific school. Moscow – 6-9-11.2018. Report: Estimation of the energy of leaked rainwater.
- International school for young students of the CIS countries. Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan), – September 17-22, 2019.

Odinaev Kadir – Deputy Dean for behavior
Odinaev Kadir Nodirovich was born on December 25, 1995 in the Republic of Tajikistan in the family of a farmer. In 2012, he graduated from secondary school No. 4 of Vose district, and in the same year he entered the Faculty of Physics of DMT with a specialization in meteorology and climatology.
Scientific activity
In 2017, he graduated from the National University of Tajikistan with the specialty 31040102 – Meteorological Engineer.
From September 2017 to 2021, he is a senior laboratory assistant, and from 2021 he is a candidate for the title of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Tajikistan. He is the author of more than 12 scientific articles.