In 1955, on the initiative of the Honored Scientist of Tajikistan, Professor B.N. Narzulloev, it was organized on the basis of the Department of Experimental Physics. Later, in 1965, on the basis of FCTT, the Problem Laboratory of the Physics of Strength of Polymers was created, which is now called the Research Department of Condensed Matter Physics. Today, together, KFTT and the Research Department of Condensed Matter Physics are one of the most powerful scientific and educational centers for studying the structure and physical properties of solids and polymers in the republic and Central Asia. During its activity, the department, together with the Research Department of Condensed Matter Physics, has trained 15 doctors and more than 60 candidates of science. The department was headed by Professor S.N. Karimov (1965-1972), B.N. Narzulloev (1972-1982), M.K. Gurbanaliev (1982-1997) and Sh.T. Tuychiev (1997-2009) Kh. M. Abdulloev (2009-2017). Currently, the head of the department is Associate Professor R.T. Kadyrov. At the department, professors Kh. M. Abdulloev, J. Rashidov, associate professors S. Kh. Tabarov, Saibov A.A., Kadyrov R.T., Shoimov E.J., assistants Gaforov F.A., Melikov B.I., Ismatov Sh.P. Makhmadulloev D.Z., are engaged in scientific and educational activities. The head of the laboratory is M.R. Juraeva. and laboratory assistant of the department N. Ismoilzoda. The Department of Solid State Physics is a department of scientific, educational and specialized division, in which senior students study special courses in solid state physics, physics and chemistry of polymers, X-ray diffraction analysis of the structure of matter, physics of polymer solutions, methods for studying the structure and properties of solids, physics of strength and destruction of solids and polymers, etc. In addition, teachers of the department teach courses in mechanics, molecular physics, metrology, standardization and certification, radio engineering and radio electronics for students of various specialties of the Faculty of Physics and other faculties of the university. One of the department’s activities is the publication of books and teaching aids, which receive special attention. During the activity of the department, its employees wrote more than 20 textbooks, 10 monographs and about 50 teaching aids written by professors B.N. Narzulloev, S.N. Karimov, M.K. Kurbanaliev, Sh.T. Tuychiev, Kh.M. Abdulloev, associate professor P.Kh. Erfan, S.N. Nizomaddinov, V.A. Mirzoeva, Yu.A. Avazov, A.I. Khukmatov, J. Rashidov, S.Kh. Tabarov and others. Employees of the department have scientific cooperation with scientific centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Maine (Germany), Nagano (Japan).
The scientific activities of KFTT deserve special attention. The department’s scientific research belongs to the scientific direction of physics of condensation media and includes the subject of physics of strength and plasticity of solids and polymers. Over the past 5 years, teachers of the department have published more than 60 scientific articles in domestic and foreign journals. Employees of the department are participants in all national and international scientific conferences. They have published more than 100 abstracts of reports. Inventive work in KFTT is considered the most productive among the departments of TNU. Teachers of the department, together with employees of the Research Department of Condensed Matter Physics, have more than 20 lists of copyright certificates for inventions related to various fields of science and technology.
Since 2004, KFTT faculty and staff have been engaged in extensive research into the structure and physical properties of nanocarbon condensed systems, including nanocarbon solutions, nanocarbon polymers and nanotechnologies, which have attracted the attention of the world’s largest research centers. Scientists from the department and department won the competition of the international scientific and technical center precisely because of their achievements in this field, and today they are making efforts to continue the scholarship program of this organization.
Below are the significant results of the scientific activities of KFTT in recent years, which have received recognition on the world stage:
1. General classification of X-rays of small angles of polymers, which laid the foundation for a new scientific direction – “technology of materials structure”.
2. The electrical conductivity properties of natural polymers (cotton and silk) were studied depending on their structure, the influence of external factors and the cycle of their biosynthetic development. Based on this research, the task of creating semiconductor devices (thermo- and photoresistors) was proposed.
3. The study of the structure, rheomechanical and relaxation properties of liquid crystalline copolyesters made it possible to obtain strong fibers with a high elastic modulus based on them, which will serve as structural materials.
4. The phenomenon of changes in the thermophysical elasticity constants of the crystal lattice of irradiated technical and structural materials was discovered. It was discovered that radiation defects, although they appear statistically in the structure, accumulate in certain crystallographic directions.
The department’s contribution to the training of scientific personnel is significant. During the activity of the department, Makhmudov I., Muhammad A.T., Shoimov U., Aloviddinov A., Shoimov E. Candidate’s dissertations and associate professor Rashidov Zh. successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.
At the 2nd department there is a scientific circle of students in polymer physics, where 3rd-4th year students make presentations on various areas of their scientific research. The contribution of the department’s teachers to the development of science in the republic and the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of education is great. For significant results in the field of science and teaching, the founder of the department, Professor B.N. Narzulloev was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of Tajikistan”, Professor Sh.T. Tuychiev was awarded the gold medal of the Eurasian International Patent Center, the prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan named after academician S.U. Umarov and with the honorary title “Honored Worker of Tajikistan”, Professor Kh.M. Abdulloev was awarded the Order of Honor, II degree. Associate Professor J. Rashidov was awarded the 1st degree prize from the Information and Patent Center of the Republic of Tajikistan for significant inventive activity. Professor H.M. Abdulloev and Associate Professor S.Kh. The Tabarovs are members of the university’s dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses.
The department has the necessary technical equipment, which is used to regulate the scientific, educational and methodological process.
In 2012, a new specialty was opened on the basis of the department: Metrology, standardization and certification (54010104). The first teachers were Ph.D., Saibov A.A., Ismatov Sh. as full-time teachers, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Gafforov A.A., associate professor Umirzokov A.A., senior teacher Yasinov Sh.M., Rakhmatulloev U. as part-time teachers they carry out scientific and teaching activities.
Research activities
Main directions of research work:
-the influence of nanoparticles on the structure and physical properties of polymers;
– the influence of fullerene on the structure and physical properties of polymers;
-the influence of graphene on the structure and physical properties of polymers;
-use of nuclear physical methods of analysis in geology and medicine;
– study of the thermophysical characteristics of injection lasers based on heteronanostructures.
Educational activities:
The department is a graduate department and trains specialists in the specialty “physics” and “metrology, standardization and certification”. Graduate qualification – bachelor -, master -.
The training of students in the disciplines of the atomic nucleus and radiation safety is based on the principle of prompt response to the needs of practical activities, primarily in the field of applied nuclear physics; it is for this purpose that the department is constantly developing and introducing new training courses. The acquisition by students of general professional and special disciplines of specialties is carried out by providing the department with the following basic disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree direction 1- 31040101 (full-time and part-time departments)
General professional disciplines:
1. Mechanics
2. Basics of Electronics
3. Electrical engineering
4. Molecular physics
5. Life safety
Profile disciplines:
1. Physics and chemical foundations of nanotechnology
2. Physics of polymers
3. Physics of solutions and melts
4. Structure, mechanical and electrical properties of polymers
5. Physics and chemistry of polymers
6. Fundamentals of solid state physics
7. X-ray structural analysis
Master’s degree (full-time and part-time) direction 1- 31040101 “Physics”
1.Symmetries and conservation laws
2. Physics of the microworld
3. Modeling of elementary particle detectors.
Centers, offices, laboratories:
There are educational laboratories at the department (head of laboratory – Dzhuraeva M.R.);
-atomic physics
-nuclear physics
-nuclear spectrometry
-neutron physics
-radiation safety.
Bachelor’s degree direction 1- 54010104 (full-time and part-time departments)
General professional disciplines:
1. Physics
2. Drawing geometry and engineering graphics
3. Mathematical analysis
4. Algebra and geometry
5. General chemistry
6. Electrical engineering and electronics
Profile disciplines:
1. Machine parts (tools) and design basics
2. Automation of measurements, control and testing
3. Planning and organization of the experiment
4. Practical metrology and legislation
5. Interchangeability and standardization of accuracy
6. Integrated statistical programs
7. Metrology, standardization and certification
8. Management of technical systems
9. Basics of physical measurements
10. Methods and means of measurement, research and control
11. Technology, development of standards and regulations
12. Certification of products and personnel
13. Economics of metrological support
Master’s degree (full-time and part-time) direction 54010104 – Metrology, standardization and certification
1. Metrological and control equipment
2. Metrological support of the production process
3. Modern problems of standardization and metrology.
Composition of the department

Head of the Department of Solid State Physics
Ph.D., Associate Professor
+992 937 57 77 54
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Shaimov Erkin Jaborovich
Shaimov Erkin Zhaborovich, born on November 15, 1982 in the city of Kofarnihan (now Vahdat). In 1988, he entered secondary school No. 110 and went to 1st grade. In 1999, after graduating from this school, he entered the National State University of Tajikistan, Faculty of Physics, majoring in radiophysics and electronics. He graduated from the mentioned university in 2004. After graduation, he began working as a laboratory assistant in the research department of “Physics of Condensation Media”. In 2006-2009 he studied full-time graduate school at the National University of Tajikistan. In 2009, he continued his work as a researcher in the research department “Physics of Condensed Matter”. In 2013, he moved to the position of assistant at the Department of Solid State Physics. In 2017, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Structure, mechanical and electrical properties of fullerene-containing polymethyl methacrylate films obtained from common solvents and aromatic solvents.” In 2019, he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of Solid State Physics. Since December 30, 2020, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Solid State Physics. In 2023 he began working as the head of the department.

Ph.D., Associate Professor
+992 987 90 7227
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Kodirov Rustam Turonovich
Kadyrov Rustam Turonovich was born on February 27, 1958 in the city of Dushanbe, Somoni district. In 1965, I entered secondary school No. 34 in Dushanbe and graduated in 1975. In 1975 he entered the Faculty of Physics of the Tajik State University and successfully graduated in 1980. From 1980 to 1985 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Solid State at the National State University. In order to receive the title of “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” in 1985, he entered graduate school at this university and graduated in 1988. From 1988 to 1993 he worked as a junior researcher in the laboratory of the physics of polymer strength. In 1994, he defended his scientific dissertation on the topic “Deformation-strength behavior of PBMA in various liquid media at temperatures above and below glass temperature” and received the title of “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” and worked as a teacher at the Department of Solids in the “Mechanics” section. From 1997 to 2000, he worked as an office manager for the Internews International Organization for the preparation and training of local correspondents. From 2000 to 2003 I worked at the NGO “NGO Assistance Center”. From 2003 to 2015, he worked as head of the transport department, head of the pasta production workshop, supplier of the supply department, and manager of the construction equipment warehouse at the Macauli LLC Pasta Factory. From 2015 to 2017 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Solid State Physics of the DMT. Since 2017, through a competition, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Solid State Physics and worked until 2023. Married with three children.

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
+992 917 14 79 79
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Abdulloev Hasan Muminzhonovich
Abdulloev Khasan Muminzhonovich, born in 1952, Tajik by nationality. Abdulloev Kh.M. In 1969, he entered the Faculty of Physics of the Tajik State University, and after graduating with honors, he was hired as an engineer in the laboratory of problematic physics of reinforced polymers. In 1974-1989, he held the positions of junior (1978), senior (1985), scientific supervisor (1988) and head of this laboratory. After graduating from the correspondence department of graduate school, in 1984 he was a member of the dissertation council of the Research Institute named after. L.Ya. Karpov, Moscow, defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1989, he was elected to the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Mechanics of Polymers. In 1996, Abdulloev Kh.M. entered doctoral studies, continued scientific research together with scientists from the Laboratory of Polymer Rheology of the Petrochemical Institute of the Russian Federation and defended his doctoral dissertation in 2000. After defending his doctoral dissertation in 2001, Abdulloev Kh.M. was appointed to the position of Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Physics and held this position until 2007. In 2002, he was elected to the position of professor at the Department of Solid State Physics. From March 14, 2007 to September 16, 2009 Abdullaev Kh.M. served as dean of the physics department. On September 16, 2009, he was appointed acting head of the Department of Solid State Physics, then elected to this position and held the position of head of the department until 04/02/2018. From this date to the present, Abdulloev Kh.M. works as a professor at the department. Abdulloev Kh.M. He is a worthy man, a productive scholar and an accomplished teacher. His scientific works have been published in prestigious journals of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. During the years when he was the head of the department, research, educational and educational work at the department became more active. Work programs (syllabs), lecture banks, test questions were prepared for all taught subjects, lecture topics were revised taking into account new scientific achievements in the subject obtained as a result of new scientific research. The scientific activities of the department are devoted to one of the priority areas of scientific research – nanophysics and nanotechnology. Students and teachers of the department are active participants in competitions and conferences at various levels, and their scientific works and reports have repeatedly received high praise. Significant progress has also been made in training qualified scientific personnel. In recent years, among the faculty teachers conducting research work on the scientific topic of the Department of Solid State Physics, 7 people defended their candidate’s dissertations and 1 doctor’s dissertation. Abdulloev Kh.M. renowned scientist in the field of physics and mechanics of polymers. His scientific research is devoted to the problems of rheology, structure and electrophysical and mechanical properties of polymers. He is the author of more than 150 scientific works, monographs, inventions and 8 teaching aids. Abdulloev Kh.M. He is a member of the Dissertation Council D 999.188.02 for the defense of doctoral dissertations and a member of the Council of Scientists of the Faculty of Physics. Abdulloev Kh.M. As a creative and skillful scientist, he is highly respected among the faculty, staff and students of the university, as well as specialists in the field of physics. His achievements in the field of scientific research and merits in the training of highly qualified personnel were awarded by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the badge “Excellence in Education of Tajikistan” and the Order of Honor, degree II.

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
+992 988 57 89 11
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Rashidov Jalil
Rashidov Jalil, born on February 8, 1943 in the village of Alkhitoy, Varzob region. After graduating from high school, he entered the physics department of the Tajik State University (now TNU), which he graduated in 1967 and was sent to work at the department of solid state physics. In 1969, I entered graduate school at this faculty and was sent to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) to the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences to defend my Ph.D. thesis. In 1975 he defended his Ph.D. thesis and until 1978 he worked as a junior employee and senior researcher at the Laboratory of Physics of Polymer Solidification of TNU. From 1978 to 2002 I worked at the State Pedagogical University of Tajikistan. In August 2002, I was appointed to the Department of Solid State Physics of the Faculty of Physics as an Associate Professor. I conduct lectures and practical classes on mechanics, theoretical and practical mechanics, training courses, as well as research and methodological work at the Research Institute of TNU. In 2016 he defended his doctoral dissertation. I am the author of more than 250 scientific articles, 3 monographs, 4 methodological manuals (“Independent works on classical mechanics”, Dushanbe-1988, “Small mechanical notes”, Dushanbe-2001, etc.) and the author of 13 inventions, published in domestic and foreign magazines. I carry out research work on the topic “Study of the structure and thermophysical properties of polymers and composite materials” under the influence of external factors. Areas of scientific activity: physics and chemistry of polymers, physics of solids, physics of composite materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Married, has three children.

Ph.D., Associate Professor
+992 907 38 12 90
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Saibov Abdunazar Alievich
Abdunazar Alievich Saibov was born on May 15, 1952 in Dushanbe. His nationality is Tajik. In 1959, at secondary school No. 15 sh. began his studies in Dushanbe and graduated in 1969. In the same year, he entered the 1st year of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Tajik Agricultural Institute (now the Tajik Agrarian University). He graduated from the institute in 1974 and was recommended for teaching work at the institute itself. In September 1974, he began his career as a teacher at the department of automobile repair. In August 1975 he was appointed to the position of assistant of the department. From January 1980 to January 1983, he studied in graduate school at the Institute’s Department of Car Repair. Later he worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, and associate professor at the Department of Reliability and Machine Repair. In April 1987, at the Academic Council of the Leningrad Agricultural Institute (now St. Petersburg Agrarian University), he defended his thesis on the topic: “Ensuring the reliability of 4-cylinder air-cooled engines by improving the cooling system. » Since November 1987 he has been working as a candidate of technical sciences, and since 2009 as an associate professor. In October 1992, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Reliability and Machinery Repair, and in November 1996, he was elected to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanics. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as rector of the Central Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers. Then, from 2004 to April 2008, he worked as the head of the “School Improvement” project in the branch of the International Organization of the Open Society Institute-Relief Fund. From June 2008 to September 2011, he worked as director of the Center for Information Technologies and Communications of the Department of Education of the city of Dushanbe. In July 2011, the dean of the Faculty of Transport of the Tajik Technical University named after academician M. Osimi was appointed. Since September 2015, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Solid State Physics of the National University of Tajikistan, and is the author of more than 110 lists of scientific and scientific-methodological articles, including one article in Scopus publications. In 2008, he compiled a scientific monograph on the topic: “Quality Management and the Unique Capabilities of Engines,” in the volume of 25 printed parts, and it was recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan as additional educational material for students, graduate students and researchers. Co-author of two textbooks for universities. In 2010, he became the owner of the first two patents for technical inventions. A doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Scientific basis for increasing the efficiency of diesel air-cooling systems” is ready for defense. In 2001, he was awarded the title “Excellence in Education of Tajikistan.” He is married and has six children.

Department Assistant
+992 918 70 35 33
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Gafarov Faridun Abdulazizovich
Gafarov Faridun Abdulazizovich, born on June 28, 1990 in the city of Dushanbe. In 1997 I went to secondary school No. 29 in 1st grade. In 2007, after graduating from this school, he entered the Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shakhtemur, and entered the mechanical faculty. In 2012 he graduated from the university with honors. After graduating from university, he began working as a part-time teacher at the university. In 2012, he entered the Technical University of Tajikistan at the Faculty of Transport, and in 2016 he successfully graduated from the university. In 2015, I transferred to the position of lecturer at the Department of Solid State Physics of the National University of Tajikistan and still work.

Department Assistant
Applicant of the Scientific Research Institute (SRI)
+992 988 58 84 91
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Ismatov Shakhboz Partovovich
Shakhboz Partovovich Ismatov was born on November 24, 1996 in the village of Safedchashma in the Nurabad district. In 2003, he was admitted to the first grade of secondary school No. 30 of the said village. He studied at the said institution for 9 years and another two years, i.e. 10th and 11th grade, in educational institution No. 2 of the named village. After graduating from high school in 2014, through the centralized exams of the National Testing Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, he entered the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Tajikistan with a degree in Metrology, Standardization and Certification – 54 01 01 04. In 2019, he graduated from this university and began working as an engineer Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics. Until 2021 he works as an engineer at the department, and from 2021 he works as an assistant at the department of solid state physics.

Department Assistant
Department applicant
+992 988 46 90 63
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Melikov Bakhodur Dzhumakhonovich
Melikov Bahadur Zhumakhonovich, born on October 22, 1994, in a working-class family. Resident of Dushanbe, b. Firdavsi, N. Karaboeva street 150/2 I am 27. Married and have 4 children. In September 2001, he began studying in the 1st grade of MTSU No. 30 named after Firdavsi. In 2012, after graduating from school, he applied to continue his studies at the National University of Tajikistan at the Faculty of Physics, and proudly graduated from the university with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics Engineer in 2017. Having received a DMT diploma, he began working at this university as an electrician in 2018. In 2020, I will continue to work as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Solid State Physics of the Faculty of Physics of the DMT, and from September 2021 I have been working as an assistant in this department to the present. As a foreign language, I am fluent in Russian and English with a dictionary. I have 1 diploma from TNU and 4 certificates in the following specialties: Radio engineer – physics and electronics (diploma) PC user PC repairman Plumber. Electrician.

Head of the laboratory of the department
+992 985820899
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Juraeva Muyasarjon Rajaboevna
Juraeva Muyasarjon Rajaboevna, was born on April 27, 1961 in the village of Karapichok in the city of Hisar in the family of an employee. In 1968 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 109 in our village, and in 1978 I graduated from school. In 1978 she entered the V.I. Lenin State University in the evening department of the Faculty of Physics and graduated in 1984. Since 1978, she worked as a mathematics teacher in our rural school. In December 1980, she entered the physics department of the university as a laboratory assistant. In 1980, after graduating from university, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2010, I have been working as a librarian and technology teacher at the National University Lyceum. Since 2012, I have been working as the head of the laboratory of the Faculty of Physics of Solid State Physics and I still work there.

Department Assistant
+992 908-82-45-85
Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 17
Mahmadulloev Dilovar Zafarovich
Mahmadulloev Dilovar Zafarovich was born on May 14, 1994 in the Farkhor district of the Khatlon region into a family of intellectuals.
In 2001, at the age of seven, he entered the secondary school of the Tajik State University of Commerce in the Firdavsi district of Dushanbe. He studied there for 11 years, participated in domestic and foreign competitions and Olympiads, and won gold, silver and bronze medals.
In 2012, he graduated with honors and entered the Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin at the Faculty of Technology in Light Industry.
In 2016, he graduated from the university, applied to the above-mentioned university as a master’s student and graduated with honors.
In 2019, he submitted documents to the National University of Tajikistan as a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, specializing in metrology, standardization and certification, and graduated in 2022. Also, in parallel with his doctoral studies, in the 2021-2022 academic year he worked as a part-time teacher at the Department of Solid State Physics of the Faculty of Physics as an assistant for 0.5 work units.
In 2022, by order of the rector of TNU, he works at the department as a full-time assistant.
Along with the position of assistant at the department, he has the following responsibilities:
• Curator of the study group – 1st year 54010104 (MSS)
• Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Physics
• Responsible for the website of the Faculty of Physics
• Scientific Secretary of the Council of Young Scientists of TNU
His research work was carried out under the guidance of his scientific supervisor, associate professor A.A. Saibov. He is writing a scientific dissertation on the topic “Regulatory metrological support of the influence of medical devices on low voltage and the condition of patients.”