The department of physical electronics was created in 1990 on the basis of the specialty “Radiophysics and Electronics”, opened at the Faculty of Physics at the Department of Nuclear Physics in 1980. Its first leader was Professor V.G. Gafurov. From 1998 to 2009 and from 2013 to 2017, the head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Gadoev. From 2009 to 2013, the department was headed by Associate Professor Azizov K.J. From 2013 to 2017, the position of head of the department was held by Associate Professor S.M. Gadoev. From 2017 to 2023, the department was headed by Associate Professor R.B. Khamrokulov. From 2023 to the present, the position of head of the department is occupied by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer of the department B.A. Rakhmatov. Currently, there are three professors working at the department: Sultonov N.S., Khojazoda T.A., Gadoev S.M., 3 associate professors: Akobirova A.T., Khamrokulov R.B., Gafurov O.V. and 2 senior teachers: Rakhmatov B.A., Naimov U.R.
Experienced teachers of the department teach general education subjects, special courses and elective subjects. The section of specialized subjects includes 12 subjects, the section of general professional subjects includes 13 subjects.
Graduates of the department work in various spheres of the national economy of Tajikistan as engineers, scientists, regulators of electronic devices, etc.
Research activities
Main directions of research work:
Research activities are carried out at the department in two directions. The first direction relates to the study of the influence of external factors on semiconductor materials and devices based on them, and the other direction is devoted to the creation of detector devices and photocells based on polycrystalline semiconductor compounds. Teachers of the department are the authors of inventions. For example, the invention of Akobirova A. and Obukhov Yu.V. No. 1794 323A3 on the topic “Manufacture of ionizing radiation detectors based on cadmium telluride” and the invention of S. Gadoev and P.K. Skorobogatov. registered in the topic “Tact-ROM 256KR”.
Educational activities:
After completing the educational program in the specialty 1-31040200-Radiophysics and Electronics in the form of full-time and part-time studies, after completion of training the graduate is awarded the following professional qualification and degree:
– professional qualification – radio electronics engineer;
– professional degree – bachelor
The undergraduate program in specialty 1-31040200 – “Radiophysics and Electronics” is accredited by the State Service for Control of Education (currently the Agency for Control of Education and Science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan) in accordance with EU Certificate No. 0000920 dated 08.08.2019.
Bachelor (full-time and part-time study)
General professional subjects:
1. Mechanics
2. Molecular physics
3. Electricity and magnetism.
4. Optics
5. General chemistry
6. Fundamentals of atomic and nuclear physics.
7. Fundamentals of the theory of advanced technologies
8. Electronics Basics
9. Physics and mathematics methods.
10. Mathematical analysis
11. Basics of electrical engineering.
12. Basics of radio engineering.
13. Communication technology.
Special courses:
1. Optoelectronics
2. Integrated electronics
3. Quantum electronics
4. Pulse technique
5. Semiconductor device technology.
6. Microwave electronics
7. Semiconductor devices
8. Effect of irradiation on semiconductor devices.
9. Oscillation theory
10. Fundamentals of microprocessor technology.
11. Basics of circuit theory
12. Basics of radar and radio navigation.
Scientific centers and laboratories:
The department has educational laboratories, as well as a classroom with innovative technology, including an electronic board and a projector. In this classroom and laboratories, video lectures and video conferences are held to provide students and teachers with modern technologies and electronic resources necessary to increase the efficiency of the educational process.
Doctoral and postgraduate studies:
Work of the department in training scientific and pedagogical personnel:
- Defense of the dissertation by Azizov K.J. on the topic: “The influence of plastic deformation on the structure of amorphous-crystalline polymers.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, October 10, 1995, specialty: 04.01.07. -Physics of condensed matter.
- Defense of N. Sultonov’s doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Submolecular structure of amorphous-crystalline polymers with different chain rigidities.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, April 5, 1997, specialty: 04.01.07. -Physics of condensed matter.
- Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by Khojazoda T.A. on the topic: “The influence of radiation on the electrophysical properties and the mechanism of defect formation of semiconductor structures and devices” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, May 20, 1995, specialty: 01.04.07. – Physics of condensed matter.
- Defense of the candidate’s dissertation Gafurova O.V. on the topic: “Study of the influence of radiation on defect formation and electrical parameters of semiconductor structures and devices.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, December 27, 2002, specialty: 04.01.07. – Physics of condensed matter.
- Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by Khamrokulova R.B. on the topic: “Structure and electrical properties of polycrystalline cadmium telluride films synthesized under various technological conditions.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, May 3, 2012, specialty: 04.01.07. -Physics of condensed matter.
- Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Gadoeva S.M. on the topic: “The influence of ionizing radiation on the parameters and physical properties of semiconductor structures of various technologies.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, October 17, 2019, specialty: 04.01.14 – Thermophysics and theory of thermal engineering.
- Defense of doctoral dissertation by Khojazoda T.A. on the topic: “The mechanism of the action of thermal neutrons on the spectral properties of the composition of seeds and their biological activity” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, October 12, 2019, specialty: 01.03.02.- Biophysics.
- Defense of the dissertation by Naimova U.R. on the topic: “Information and measurement system for assessing the coordinates and movement parameters of unmanned aerial vehicles.” Russian Federation, Tambov, December 21, 2020, specialty: 05.11.16 – Information systems for measurement and control.
- Defense of the dissertation by Rakhmatova B.A. on the topic: “Development of an “external” compact model of an organic field-effect transistor taking into account differential conductivity.” Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, February 22, 2022, specialty: 1.3.8 – Physics of condensed matter.
Scientific connections:
The Department of Physical Electronics has extensive scientific connections with universities and research centers of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, such as:
- Physicotechnical Institute named after. S. Umarova NAST.
- Belarusian State University.
- Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini.
- Russian-Tajik Slavic University.
- Technical University of Tajikistan named after M.S. Oshimi.
- Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
- Tambov State Technical University.
- St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS (Gatchina)
Composition of the department

Head of the department
(992) 981006951
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Rakhmatov Badurdin Amirulloevich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior lecturer
Born on February 24, 1991 in the Khovaling district. Physicist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2022). Graduated from TNU (2014) and postgraduate studies at Oryol State University I.S. Turgeneva, Russian Federation. (2019). He began his career at the Department of Physical Electronics of TNU as an assistant in the Department of Physical Electronics (2014-2015), then worked as a senior laboratory assistant in the Department of Physical Electronics (2019-2020), as an assistant in the Department of Physical Electronics (2020-2023) and with 09.01.2023 to the present time holds the position of senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Electronics.
Scientific research by Rakhmatova B.A. focused on the development of compact models of organic field-effect transistors. He is the author of more than 20 scientific articles and reports.

(992) 988003588
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Sultonov Nizom
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Born on January 15, 1940 in the Vakhdat region. Physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1997), Professor (1999). Graduated from TSU in 1963. He began his career at this university as a senior laboratory assistant (1963), a graduate student (1965), served in the army (1967), a research intern (1968), a junior researcher at LITFMP TNSU (1971), a senior researcher at the same laboratory (1974 g.), senior lecturer of the department of nuclear physics (1975), associate professor of the same department (1976), head of the same department (1978), associate professor of the same department (1983), dean of the Faculty of Physics of TNSU ( 1998), and since 2001 – Professor of the Department of Physical Electronics.
Sultanov N. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles and reports, 6 teaching aids. His research focuses on the structural studies of polymers and the physical properties of thin semiconductor structures.
Awards – Excellence in Education of Tajikistan (since 2000), Certificate of Honor from TNU, Certificate from NAST.

(992) 900526352
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Khojazoda Tohir Abdullo
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Born on May 29, 1962 in the Kuibyshevsky district. Physicist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1995). Graduated from TSU in 1989. He began his career at the same university as an assistant in the department of physical electronics (1989-1995), senior lecturer (2002-2008) and associate professor of the same department (2008-2010), from 2010 to 2013. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Physics, TNU. From 2013 to 2017, head of the academic department of the National University of Tajikistan, from 09/05/2017 to 2020, first deputy, vice-rector for academic affairs of TNU. From 2020 to 2022, rector of the Russian-Tajik Slavic University. From October 1, 2022, professor of the department.
His scientific work is devoted to the study of the “Mechanism of the influence of thermal neutrons on the spectral characteristics of the composition of seeds and their biological activity.” Khojazoda Tahir Abdullah is the author of more than 85 scientific articles and reports and 8 teaching aids.
Awards – Certificate of Honor from TNU, Certificate from the Academy of Sciences, Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honored Worker of the Republic of Tajikistan.

(992) 907813980
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Gadoev Sabzali Mukhshulovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Born on July 19, 1959 in the Farkhor region. Physicist, Candidate of Technical Sciences (1993). Graduated from TSU in 1982, internship (1987-1989) and graduate school at MEPhI in 1992. He continued his work as an assistant at the Department of Physical Electronics (1992-1993), senior lecturer (1994-1995) and associate professor of the department (1995-1998). From 1998 to 2009 and from 2013 to April 2017 – Head of the Department of Physical Electronics.
His scientific work is devoted to the study of “Reliability after exposure to ionizing radiation on the parameters and physical properties of semiconductor structures of various technologies.” Gadoev S.M. author of more than 90 scientific articles and reports, 10 teaching aids, 2 inventions.
Awards – Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan.

(992) 907917626
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Akobirova Aziza Toshpulatovna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Born on March 18, 1950 in the city of Samarkand. Physicist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (1978), associate professor (1990). She graduated from Samarkand State University in 1971, with internship and postgraduate studies at the Physico-Technical Institute named after A.F. Ioffe Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1971-1976). She worked at TSU at the Faculty of Physics as a junior researcher (1976-1978), senior researcher (1978-1980), leading researcher at the Department of Solid State Physics (1980-1984), senior lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Physics (1984-1990). Since 1990, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Physical Electronics.
Akobirova A.’s scientific research is focused on the study of the physical properties and manufacturing technology of thin semiconductor films and the design of semiconductor detectors and solar cells. She is the author of more than 150 scientific articles, 2 patents for inventions and 5 textbooks.

(992) 904160775
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Khamrokulov Radzhabmurod Badriddinovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Born on July 16, 1975 in the Vakhdat region. Physicist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2012), Acting Associate Professor (2017). In 1997 he graduated from TSNU. He began his career at the same university as an engineer of the 1st category of the ELU-6 laboratory, then as a senior laboratory assistant (1999), assistant (2000), acting head of the department (2012), deputy dean for academic affairs (2013 ) and from 2017 to 2023 served as head of the department.
Khamrokulov R.B. author of more than 70 scientific articles and reports, 4 teaching aids. His research focuses on the structural studies of polymers and the physical properties of thin semiconductor structures.

(992) 907810506
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Gafurov Odiljon Vadudovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Born 07/08/1970 in Dushanbe. Physicist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (2002), associate professor (2010). Graduated from TSU (1992). Work at the same university continues as an assistant (1992-2002), senior lecturer in the department of physical electronics (2002-2010), and since 2010 – associate professor in the department of physical electronics.
Scientific research Gafurova O.V. is aimed at studying the effects of irradiation on the structures of semiconductor devices. He is the author of more than 50 scientific articles and reports and 3 teaching aids..
Awards – Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan.

(992) 918697984
Campus, Buni Hisorak, building 16
Naimov Umedjon Rozibekovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer
Born on December 13, 1987 in the Darvoz region. Physicist, Candidate of Technical Sciences (2020). Graduated from TSNU (2010) and graduate school at Tambov State Technical University, Russian Federation (2019). He began his career at the same university as an assistant in the Department of Physical Electronics (2010-2015), then as a senior laboratory assistant in the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy (2019-2020), and as a senior laboratory assistant in the department. physical electronics (2020-2021), assistant at the department of physical electronics (2021-2023) and from 09.01.2023 continues to work as a senior lecturer at the department of physical electronics.
Scientific research of Naimova U.R Focused on developing methods for optimizing radar control devices. He is the author of more than 27 scientific articles and reports.