The department of optics and spectroscopy was created in 1961 on the basis of the specialty “Optics and Spectroscopy”, and its first head was one of the best specialists in the field of holography, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Mustafin K.S. During this period, professors L.I. Alperovich, O. Sh. Shokirov, V. M. Korovina, N. M. Khoshimov and others worked in the department. Later, in 1966-1976, the position of head of the department was occupied by associate professor L. I. Alperovich. The educational, scientific and logistical work of the department progressed step by step. In 1976-1985, Associate Professor Narziev B.N., in 1986-1991, Associate Professor Dzhumabaev K., and in 1992-2009, worker of science and technology of Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Narziev B.N. were heads of the department. Professor Narziev B.N., headed the department for 28 years. Under the guidance of Professor B.N. Narziev. a number of scientific, educational and methodological issues were resolved, which made a great contribution to the development of the main areas of activity of the department.
In 2009-2018, the department was headed by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Z.Z. Islomov. During the leadership of Islomov Z.Z., most of the laboratory works and specialties of the department were revised and new laboratory works were introduced. The printing of textbooks and industry training aids were also well established. From 2018 to 2022, the position of head of the department was held by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor N.U. Mulloev. During this period, research activities were well established, the necessary personnel were trained in this field, and good work was done to raise the status of the department to a qualitatively new level in the development of physical science in Tajikistan. Currently, the head of the department is associate professor M.Kh. Khodiev (since May 31, 2023).
Scientific research work is carried out in three areas:
- Determination of optical constants of condensed matter in a wide spectral range (from ultraviolet to infrared).
- Study of the structure and properties of molecular systems in condensed matter and intermolecular interactions in them using IR, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spectroscopy methods.
- Studying the interaction of polyatomic systems in encoded states using optical methods.
First trend headed by associate professor Alperovich L.I. and Shabalova V., Salokhutdinova K., Salnikova S., Khodzhaeva Kh, worked under his leadership. Methods for measuring and determining absorption and destruction indicators were developed for various substances.
In the second trend of the study, associate professors Narziev B.N., Korovina V.M., Dzhumabaev K., Shokirov O.Sh., Nurulloev M., Islomov Z.Z., Abbosov B., Nizomov Z., Latipov S. and etc have done research.
The third trend of scientific research works were led by Professor M.N. Mulleov. Professor Nurulloev M., associate professor Islamov Z.Z., Fayzieva M.R., assistants Khodiev M.Kh., Davlatmamadova S.Sh., technical staff Safarova R. and others worked in this area.
The results of scientific work were published in central and republican journals, as well as in collections, and presented at international and republican conferences and symposiums. The department also carries out inventive work. Employees and teachers of the department have 20 copyright certificates.
In 2011, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the department, the international conference “Modern Issues in Molecular Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter” was held, and in 2018 – the international conference “Current Issues of Modern Physics”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the department and the memory of the worker of science and technology Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor B.N. Narziev. The conferences were held at a high level.
Currently, the scientific trend of the department is “Studying the nature of hydrogen bonds of heterocyclic compounds in azole series using infrared spectroscopy methods and quantum physical calculations. (scientific supervisor – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Khodiev M.Kh.).
Nowadays, all teachers of the department have academic titles: (Associate Professor Khodiev M.Kh., Islomov Z.Z., Fayzieva M.R., Senior Lecturer Davlatmamadova S.Sh.), Head of educational laboratories, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Davlatzhonova Sh.
In 1980-1990, the material and technical base of the department increased significantly due to the implementation of economic contracts that had not only scientific, but also scientific and practical significance. Scientific results both on state budgetary and contractual topics have found application in the development of optical methods for monitoring environmental cleanliness, laser technologies, and in solving a number of problems in fluid physics, medicine, pharmacology and other mixed fields.
During its existence, the department has graduated more than 1,000 full-time, and part-time students.
Of this number, more than 70 graduates of the department work in scientific and industrial enterprises and institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan and abroad in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Minsk, Kiev. Almost 90 graduates of the department have academic degrees, of which more than 30 are doctors of science (Mustafin K.S., Alperovich L.I., Marupov R.M., Yastrebinsky A.A., Azimov M.M., Nemes V.I. ., Zabiyakin Yu.E., Narziev B.N., Nurulloev M., Korovina V.M., Giller Yu.E., Shukurov T., Madvaliev U., Normatov I.Sh., Abdulloev S., Mulloev N.U and others). The department teaches specialized courses in the field of modern optics and spectroscopy, and carries out laboratory, coursework, diploma and master’s theses. Students are also actively involved in research projects and are co-authors of scientific papers and theses and reports.
Thus, optics and spectroscopy are a modern and promising field of physics; their methods and principles are used in most areas of the economy of the population of the republic and beyond.
Scientific research activities
-Studying the nature of hydrogen bonds of heterocyclic compounds in azole series using infrared spectroscopy methods and quantum chemical calculations.
-Study of the donor and acceptor abilities of heterocyclic compounds.
-Application of the energetic properties of a number of medicinal herbs depending on the place of growth.
Teaching activities
The specialized department of optics and spectroscopy trains specialists in “physics” and in the field of optics and spectroscopy. Qualification level of graduates – bachelor, master. The department conducts the “Optics” part of the general physics course in the specialties of physics, radiophysics and electronics, meteorology and climatology, astronomy, radioecology, computers, systems and networks, metrology – standard and certification, atmospheric optics – specialty meteorology and climatology, fundamentals of spectroscopy – specialty physics, analysis of materials by optical methods – specialty metrology – standard and certificate and training in specialized disciplines for students of 2,3-4 years in the direction of “Optics and Spectroscopy”.
Methodological works of the department
Teachers of the department also pay serious attention to the creation of textbooks, teaching aids, methodological and laboratory materials, including:
- Narziev B.N. Molecule structure and intermolecular interaction. Question 1-2. Dushanbe, 1978-1982;
- Alperovich L.I., Narziev B.N. and others – “Optics”, p.1, Dushanbe, 1984;
- Narziev B.N. Spectroscopy of condensed matter. Dushanbe, 2000;
- Narziev B.N., Islomov Z., Nurulloev M. – “Workshop on optics”, Dushanbe, 2009;
- M. Nurulloev, Z. Islomov, M. Fayzieva. Atomic spectroscopy. Dushanbe, 2009;
- M. Nurulloev, Z. Islomov, M. Fayzieva. Optics. Dushanbe, 2010;
- M. Nurulloev, Z. Islomov. Test tasks, formulas, laws and basic rules of optics. Dushanbe, 2012;
- Mulloev N.U., Islomov Z.Z. Manual for laboratory work in the field of molecular spectroscopy, Dushanbe , 2013 G.
- Mulloev, Z.Z. Islomov. Manual for laboratory work in optics”, Dushanbe, 2014;
- Mulloev N.U., Narzulloev N. Refractometric method of analysis. Dushanbe-2014, -49 p;
- N.U. Mulloev, Z.Z. Islomov. Optical methods of analysis”, Dushanbe, 2015;
- Narziev B.N., Islomov Z.Z. Optika – spectroscopic and donor-acceptor properties of heterocyclic compounds, Dushanbe, 2018. -54 p.;
- Mulloev N.U., Khodzhaev T.A., Istamov F.Kh., Safarova R.M. Optics, collection of problems and test questions, Dushanbe. 2018;
- Islomov Z., Mulloev N., Fayzieva M., Dzhumabaev A., Muradov G. “OPTICS”, Samarkand, 2019.
- Islomov Z.Z., Fayzieva M.R., Khodiev M.Kh. Atomic spectroscopy. Dushanbe-2022. Ch-2.
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and part-time)
General professional disciplines:
1. Optics – for all specialties of the Faculty of Physics.
2. Atmospheric optics.
3. Analysis of materials by spectroscopic methods.
4. Optical methods in astronomy
Profile disciplines:
1. Practical spectroscopy.
2. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
3. Spectral analysis.
4. Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions.
5. Lasers and nonlinear optics.
6. Use of computers in spectroscopic studies.
7. Optical methods of analysis.
Selective Items:
1. Proton-donor and proton-acceptor abilities of molecules.
2. Luminescence.
3. Spectroscopy of H-bonds.
4. Structure and properties of molecules.
5. Intermolecular forces and molecular structure.
Master’s degree (full-time and part-time) trend 1- 31040101 “Physics”
1. Optical properties of substances.
2. Optical methods of analysis.
Educational laboratories
There are educational laboratories at the department: (the head of the laboratory is Davlatjonova Sh.).
- Optics.
- Intermolecular interaction
- Lasers and luminescence
- Spectral analysis.
- Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Doctoral studies and PhD:
The department works with applicants in specialties 1.3.8-Physics of Condensed Matter, 6D 060400-Physics.
The work done by the department on training scientific and pedagogical personnel:
1. Defense of the doctoral dissertation by Mulloev N.U. on the topic: Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy of the intermolecular interaction of humic acids with heavy metal ions. D.P. – October 24, 2017, specialty 01.04.07 – physics of condensed matter.
2. Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by Fayzieva M.R. on the topic: Amphoteric properties of heterocyclic compounds when measuring their electronic structure using infrared spectroscopy data. D.P -06.24.2017, specialty 01.04.07 – physics of condensed matter.
3. Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by Yusupova Zh.O. on the topic of: IR spectroscopy of H-complexes of dioxolane derivatives 1, 3 with aliphatic alcohols. D.P – 03.17.2019, specialty 01.04.07 – physics of condensed matter.
4. Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by Davlatmamadova S. on the topic: Spectral features of natural organic compounds (using the example of wild plants). D.P – 01.13.2022, specialty 01.04.07 – physics of condensed matter.
5. Defense of the candidate’s dissertation Khodiev M.Kh. on the topic: IR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculation of H -complexes of triazole a derivatives. D.P – 06.07.2022, specialty 1.3.8 – physics of condensed matter.
List of scientific articles over the past 5 years in indexed journals Ssorus and Web of Science.
- N.U.Mulloev, D.Yusupova, B.I. Makhsudov. IR spectroscopic study of H-complexes of dioxolane derivatives with methanol in solutions in CCl4. Journal of Structural Chemistry 58(4), -pp.876-878. 2017 .
- NUMulloev, M.Kh.Khodiev, ZZIslomov, NLLavrik. Quantum Chemical Determination of the Molecular Structure of 1, 2, 4-Triazole and the Calculation of its Infrared Spectrum. Journal of Structural Chemistry . 2020. v.61, -p.232–237. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0022476620020079 9
- Kh.Sh.Abdulov, NUMulloev, S.Kh.Tabarov, M.Kh.Khodiev. Quantum Chemical Determination of the Molecular Structure of 1, 2, 4-Triazole and the Calculation of its Infrared Spectrum . Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2020 . v.61, -p.510–514. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0022476620040022 2
- NU Mulloev , MR Faizieva , M. Kh. Khodiev , NL Lavrik . Studying the nature of hydrogen bonds of h-complexes of pyrrole derivatives with acetone according to ir spectroscopy data and quantum chemical calculations . Journal of Structural Chemistry .2021.v.62,-p.678–681. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0022476621050036 6
- Mulloev, N.A. Majidov, N.L. Lavrik . H-complexes of imidazole with proton-acceptor molecules according to IR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. News of higher educational institutions. Physics. 2022. T. 65, No. 4. – P. 93-98.
- M.Kh. Khodiev, U.A. Holikulov, N.Issaoui, Omar M. Al-Dossary, Leda G. Bousiakoug, N.L. Lavrik. Estimation of electrostatic and covalent contributions to the enthalpy of H-bond formation in H-complexes of 1,2,3-benzotriazole with proton-acceptor molecules by IR spectroscopy and DFT calculations. Journal of King Saud University.V.35,I.3,2023,-pp.102530. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksus.2022.102530
- Masrur Khodiev, Utkirjon Holikulov, Abduvakhid Jumabaev, Noureddine ISSAOUI, Lavrik Nikolay L, Omar M. Al-Dossary, Leda G. Bousiakoug. Solvent effect on the self-association of the 1,2,4-triazole: A DFT study. Journal of Molecular Liquids. V.382,2023,-pp.121960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121960
List of scientific articles over the past 5 years in peer-reviewed journals of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation
1 . N.U.Mulloev, M.Kh.Khodiev. Self-association and IR spectra of some triazole derivatives in the solid state. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan . Volume: 61 Number: 7-8 . 2018, – P.645-6502.
Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M.Kh. Intermolecular interactions and acceptor properties of some nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds based on the IR absorption bands of the NH group of associated molecules. Bulletin of the Tajik National University, series of natural sciences. 2018. No. 4. – p.169-176.
3 . Abdulov Kh.Sh., Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M., Yusupova J. Quantum-chemical determination of the molecular structure of 4-chloromethyl-1,3-dioxolane and calculation of its vibrational spectrum. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Natural Sciences Series. 2019, no. 1. – p.169-175.
4 . Abdulov Kh.Sh., Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M.Kh., Fayzieva M.R., Islomov Z.Z., Fayzieva M.R. 14. Quantum chemical determination of the molecular structure of 1.2.4-triazole and calculation of its vibrational spectrum. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Natural Sciences Series. 2019, no. 2. – p.166-170.
5 . Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M.Kh., Fayzieva M.R., Islomov Z.Z., Fayzieva M.R. Proton-donor abilities of heterocyclic compounds of the azole series with changes in their electronic and geometric structure. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Natural Sciences Series. 2019, no. 4. S – .179-184.
6. Davlatmamadova S.Sh. Study of IR absorption spectra of leaves of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Natural Sciences Series. Dushanbe, -2022. -N.3. -P.213-222.
List of scientific abstracts for the last 5 years at domestic and foreign conferences
- Muloev N.U., M.Kh.Khodiev. Acceptor abilities of some triazole derivatives according to molecular self-association data. VI International Conference on Modern Problems of Physics, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician S.U. Umarov and the 90th anniversary of Academician A.A. Adkhamov. Dushanbe “ER-graph” 2018. P.167-169.
- N. N. Mulloev, N. L. Lavrik, M. Khodiev, Z. Z. Islomov. The study of the effect of the introduction of substituents into the 1,2,4-triazole molecule by IR spectroscopy Russian-Japanese Conference Chemical Physics of Molecules and Polyfunctional Materials October 30 – 31, 2018. Orenburg, Russian Federation. -р.61-63
- M.Kh.Khodiev Kh.Sh.Abdulov, Muloev N.U. Calculation of the vibrational spectrum of 1,2,4-triazole,5-thiol. International conference “Current issues of modern physics” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor B.N. Narziev. April 18, 2018, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. P.39-41.
- Muloev N.U., M.Kh.Khodiev. The influence of structural elements introduced into the molecular cycle on the spectral properties of heterocyclic compounds. Thesis 70 years of TNU. 2018
- Muloev N.U., M.Khodiev, Z.Z. Islomov., M. Nurulloev., M. Davlatov. The influence of structural elements introduced into the molecular cycle on the spectral properties of heterocyclic compounds. International conference “Current issues of modern physics”. dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor B.N. Narziev April 18, 2018, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. P.31-34.
- Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M.Kh., Fayzieva M.R., Islomov Z.Z., Lavrik N.L. Study of the formation of hydrogen bonding of 1.2.3-benzotriazole with proton-acceptor solvents using IR spectroscopy. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference, “Modern problems of condensed matter physics and nuclear physics.” Dushanbe, February 19, 2020. -pp.95-98.
- N. Mulloev, M. Khodiev. Intermolecular interactions in triazole derivative molecules and its solutions according to IR spectroscopy data and ab initio calculations. MATERIALS OF THE SYMPOSIUM OF TAJIKISTAN PHYSICISTS dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician R. Marupov. Dushanbe. 2021. -P.57-60 .
- Mulloev N.U., Khodiev M.Kh., Majidov N.A., Lavrik N.L. Determination of the binding center in the structure of molecules of triazole derivatives during the formation of intermolecular H-bonds using IR spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Modern problems of organic chemistry”: Novosibirsk, 2021. -P.87.
- Khodiev M.Kh., Khojazoda T.A., Mulloev N.U., Lavrik N.L. Quantum chemical study of self-association of the 1,2,4-triazole molecule // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, 99 dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Tatarstan and the 25th anniversary of RTSU. Dushanbe, October 15-16, 2021. -pp.16-20.
- S.Sh. Davlatmamadova, N.U Mulloev, N.L. Lavrik . Physical methods of pre-sowing treatment of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg.) seeds. The role of the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University in the formation and development of science and innovative education in the Republic of Tajikistan, Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the 25th anniversary of RTSU. Dushanbe 2021. –S. 21-26.
- S.Sh. Davltmamadova, T. Shukurov N.U.Mulloev. Study of the spectral characteristics of the components of knotweed by IR spectroscopy. Materials of the Symposium of Physicists of Tajikistan, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician R. Marupov. Dushanbe 2021. –pp.73-74.
- Khodiev M.Kh., Lavrik N.L., Mulloev N.U. Assessment of the contributions of the electrostatic and covalent components to the formation of complexes with the hydrogen bond of azoles with proton-acceptor molecules using IR spectroscopy and quantum spectroscopy. IX International Conference on the Physical Chemistry of Crown Compounds, Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 2022. – p. 148.
- Davlatmamadova S.Sh. Comparison of IR spectra of ascorbic acid from different manufacturers / S.Sh. Davltmamadova, Ansori Musabia // Risolati ilmi physics dar inkishofi technology va technologyi muosir mavodi conferencei chumhuravii ilmi –amali bakhshida ba solkhoi 2020-2040 “ Bistsolai omuzish va rushdi fanhoi tabiatshinosi, dakik va riyozi dar sohai ilmu ma orif va solkhoi rushdi sanoat. Khuchand (16-17 March) 2023.-P.144-148.
- Khodiev M.Kh., Islomov Z.Z. Fayzieva M.R. Quantum chemical study of self-association of the 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole molecule. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the study and development of natural, point and mathematical disciplines in the field of science and education. Dushanbe. 2023. -pp.74-78.
The international collaboration
At the moment, the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy has established close scientific relations with a number of institutions, universities and research institutes of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Greece and a number of institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Khodiev Masrur Khomidkhojaevich
Head of the department:
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences , associate professor
+992 937240990
Email; masrur_hodiev@mail.ru
Avenue, 17, Faculty of Physics TNU
Khodiev Masrur Khomidkhojaevich-candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (2022), associate professor (2023). September 24, 1990, Sangistan village, b. Aini was born into a working-class family. Education: secondary school No. 19, Sangiston village, r. Aini (1997-2008). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of TNU (2009-2014). Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy (2014-2016), graduate student of the correspondence department of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy (2016-2020), assistant of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy (2017-2023). On June 7, 2022, he defended his thesis on the topic “ IR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculation of H-complexes of triazole derivatives” at the Dissertation Council of the Higher Attestation Commission. Russian Federation operating at TNU. On November 28, 2022, receive the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in specialty 1.3.8 -Physics of Condensation States. Chairman of the Scientific Society of Students of the Faculty of Physics of TNU (2023). Since May 31, 2023, head of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy, Faculty of Physics TNU. The results of his research have been published in more than 36 prestigious scientific journals in Japan, the USA, Holland, Saudi Arabia, Russia, as well as in the proceedings of national and international conferences. In order to improve the level of scientific work and practical experience, he took retraining courses in the country several times. During his career, he visited Samarkand State University, Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, and Al-Farobi Kazakh National University many times to improve his professional level.

Islamov Zafar Zulfonovich
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
Tel: +992 907805828
Email; optik_laser@mail.ru
Avenue , 17, Faculty of Physics TNU
Islomov Zafar Zulfonovich was born on April 25, 1967, in the Sughd region of the Aininsky district in the village of Urmetan. After graduating from high school, he entered TNU, and with from 1985 to 1992 he was a student at TNU. From 1992 to the present time he has been working at the Faculty of Physics of TNU. He entered graduate school in 1997, and upon completion of graduate school in 1999, he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Over the years, he worked in the positions of assistant, senior lecturer, head of department, deputy dean for correspondence education. From May 2018 to the present time he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy.

Fayzieva Malokhatkhon Rakhimjonovna
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
Email; fayzieva-mr@mail.ru
Tel: +992 907815024
Avenue , 17, Faculty of Physics TNU
Fayzieva Malokhatkhon Rakhimjonovna was born on November 15, 1970 in the Leninsky district of Tajikistan. In 1977-1988 she studied at secondary school No. 3 of the Leninsky district. In 1988 she entered TSU named after V.I. Lenin and graduated in 1993. After graduating from university, Malokhatkhon Rakhimjonovna Fayzieva remained to work at the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy. At first she worked as a laboratory assistant, and went through all the stages as a senior laboratory assistant, head of a laboratory, assistant department, entered graduate school, and after graduating from graduate school moved to the position of senior lecturer. She defended her PhD thesis in 2017. Since 2019, she has worked as an associate professor of the department. Currently working in the direction of “Study of the mutual influence of polyatomic molecules using spectroscopy methods.” More than 20 scientific articles published in scientific journals.

Davlatmamadova Sabik Shomamadovna
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Senior Lecturer.
+992 93-538-26-67
Email; sabik1980@mail.ru
Avenue , 17, Faculty of Physics TNU
Born on June 20, 1980 in the Khorog region. In 1998, she graduated from Khorog secondary school and entered Khorog State University. M. Nazarshoeva, majoring in Physics in the period 1998-2003. After graduating from the university in 2003, she came to work as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy of TNU. From 2011 to 2013 she studied in graduate school at TNU. After graduating from graduate school in 2014, she began working as an assistant in this department. Davlatmamadova Sabik Shomamadov defended her Ph.D. thesis in 2022. More than 45 scientific articles published in scientific journals.

Davlatjonova Shukufa Khujamberdievna
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, head of educational laboratory
Email; shukufa-d@mail.ru
Avenue , 17, Faculty of Physics TNU
Born on February 22, 1986 in the Ishkashim district. In 2005, she entered the Faculty of Physics of TNU with a degree in Physics, after graduating from the faculty in 2010, she got a job as a teacher at secondary school No. 15 in the Ishkashim district and worked until 2011. From 2011 to 2012 worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the СMP department at the TNU Research Institute. In 2012, she entered graduate school at the СMP department of the TNU Research Institute and studied until 2015. Then she worked at the СMP department of the TNU Research Institute as a researcher, senior researcher. Currently he works as the head of the laboratory of optics and spectroscopy at the Faculty of Physics of TNU.