The History of the creation of the department
The Department of Nuclear Physics of the Faculty of Physics was founded in 1960. It was headed by Associate Professor L.L. Kashkarev, who selected and trained personnel, acquired the first instruments, organized a scientific seminar on nuclear physics, and developed training course programs.
With the organization of the department, a lot of work was carried out to create educational laboratories, establish lecture courses, develop and produce modern scientific instruments. At that time, V.M. Ivanenko, D.K. Ryazanov, V.G., Gafurov and Professor V.V. Cherdintsev worked at the department.
In 1964-1974, the leadership of the department was entrusted to the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences V. G. Gafurov. At that time, active students and graduate students were sent to Moscow to train specialists with the support of the President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Academician S.U. Umarov and Academician M.S. Osimi. In various years, the department was headed by A. A. Yastrebinsky (1974-1979), G. G. Samoilov (1979-1982), K. Sharipov (1982-1984), N. Sultonov (1985-1991), A. Salomov (1991 -2004), Y. Shukurov (2004-2005), F. Normurodov (2005-2010). From 2011 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor B.I. Makhsudov.
Since its founding, the department has expanded its capabilities in teaching atomic and nuclear physics. This ensures high quality education in combination with traditional methods of teaching mathematical and physical sciences and an individual approach to each student. Students take an active part in the work of the department and research teams and are proficient in IT. Many graduates teach at foreign universities.
The Department of Nuclear Physics trains specialists in nuclear physics, radiation safety and radioecology. Since 2014, the department has organized a recruitment of students in the specialty 33010300-Radioecology.
The department is the core department of the Faculty of Physics and performs the following functions: provides training in the disciplines assigned to the department – lectures, seminars and practical classes in accordance with the teaching load and according to the approved plan, provides consultations to students in the taught disciplines, carries out intermediate and final certification students in the form of ratings and exams based on the results of mastering educational material, organizes and regularly monitors the independent work of students, including their completion of homework, coursework, carries out educational and methodological work, educational and work practice ensuring the educational process is carried out at a high level, carries out educational work among students.
Research activities
Main directions of research work:
-interaction of nuclear radiation with matter;
-the influence of small thermal neutron fluxes on the properties of various media;
– cosmic rays;
-use of nuclear physical methods of analysis in geology and medicine;
– study of the thermophysical characteristics of injection lasers based on heteronanostructures.
Educational activities:
The department is a graduate department and trains specialists in the specialty “physics” and “radioecology”. Graduate qualification – bachelor -, master -.
The training of students in the disciplines of the atomic nucleus and radiation safety is based on the principle of prompt response to the needs of practical activities, primarily in the field of applied nuclear physics; it is for this purpose that the department is constantly developing and introducing new training courses. The acquisition by students of general professional and special disciplines of specialties is carried out by providing the department with the following basic disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and part-time)
General professional disciplines:
Profile disciplines:
1. Atomic physics
2. Nuclear physics
3. Fundamentals of atomic and nuclear physics
4. Radiation safety of humans and the environment.
5. Computer processing of experimental results in nuclear physics
6. Neutron physics
7. Nuclear electronics
8. Nuclear spectrometry
9. Dosimetry
10. Elementary particles
11. The theory of nuclear physics
12. Nuclear medicine
13. Interaction of radiation with matter
14. Cosmic rays.
Master’s degree (full-time and part-time) direction 1- 31040101 “Physics”
1.Symmetries and conservation laws
2. Physics of the microworld
3. Modeling of elementary particle detectors.
Centers, offices, laboratories:
There are educational laboratories at the department (head of laboratory – Kurbanova Kh.U.);
-atomic physics
-nuclear physics
-nuclear spectrometry
-neutron physics
-radiation safety.
Doctoral studies and Doctor PDh:
The department works with applicants in the specialties 01 04 07 – Condensed Matter Physics, 6D 060400 – Physics and 6D 060500 – Nuclear Physics.
The work done by the department on training scientific and pedagogical personnel:
1.Defense of doctoral dissertation by Makhsudova B.I. on theme: “Waveguide temperature and degradation characteristics of injection lasers based on heterostructures” October 16, 2015. Specialty: 04/01/07 – condensed matter physics.
2. Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Khojazoda Tohir Abdullo on the topic: “The mechanism of action of thermal neutrons on the spectral properties of the composition of seeds and their biological activity” October 12, 2019. specialty: 01/03/02.-Biophysics.
3. Defense of the candidate’s dissertation by I. Faizulloeva. on the topic: “Optical bistability in nematic polymer-liquid crystal composites under uniaxial deformation” September 20, 2022 specialty: 1.3.8-physics of condensed matter”
4. Assistant of the department Latipova S.Z. submitted her master’s thesis for defense on the topic: “Estimation of the energy and direction of the primary particle from the image of a wide air shower in the optical detectors of the Pamir-XXI installation.
5. PhD Nigorai Zaidullo presented her dissertation for defense. Topic: “The influence of low thermal neutron fluxes on the biological activity and spectral characteristics of bacteria RHIZBIUM PHASEOLII TAAS-80 TJ AND BACILLUS MTGATERIUM VAR. PHOSPHATICUM
The international cooperation:
The Department of Nuclear Physics collaborates and interacts with an extensive network of contacts with related universities, faculties, research centers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, etc.
Departments employers

Head of the department
Phone. +992 907 74 33 83
Rudaki Ave. -17
Makhsudov Barot Islomovich
Head of the department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Born (02.20.1960). Physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2015), professor. Graduate of the special faculty of physics of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI, 1984) (National Research Nuclear University-MEPhI). In 1985 he entered graduate school at the P.N. Institute of Physics. Lebedev Academy of Sciences of the USSR (FIAN), Moscow. After graduating from graduate school in 1988, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01 04 03-Radiophysics including quantum radiophysics on the topic “Temperature and degradation characteristics of InGaAsP/InP heterolasers” in the Specialized Dissertation Council No. 2 (FIAN). Since 1988 to 1997 worked at the Department of Nuclear Physics of TSU named after Lenin as a senior laboratory assistant, engineer, assistant and senior teacher. Since 2011 currently works as the head of the Department of Nuclear Physics at TNU. In 2015, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01 04 07 – Condensed Matter Physics on the topic “Waveguide, temperature and degradation characteristics of injection lasers based on AIIIBV heterostructures.” Holder of 2 international patents and 3 primary invention patents, author of 2 monographs, a textbook for higher educational institutions and teaching aids. Makhsudov B.I. is the owner of the sign of the best inventor of the year (2015-2016) and Excellence in Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Makhsudov B.I. specialist in the field of quantum electronics and the interaction of nuclear radiation with matter. His research direction is related to the study of the properties of injection lasers based on heteronanostructures, the interaction of thermal neutrons with various media, radiation safety of humans and the environment, and cosmic rays.
At the department Makhsudov B.I. teaches atomic and nuclear physics, physics of the microworld, special courses for senior students, undergraduates and PDh.
The results of his scientific research were published in more than 120 scientific journals and conferences in Russia, USA, Germany, China, Japan, etc. Under the guidance of Professor B.I. Makhsudov. 3 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

Phone: +992.907.91-85-15
Rudaki Ave. 17.
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Narziev J.
Born (03.25.1941). Physicist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1974), Associate Professor. Graduate of Tajik State University named after. V.I. Lenin (1965) In 1968 he entered graduate school at TNU. After graduating from graduate school in 1974, he defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01 04 16 – Physics of the atomic nucleus and cosmic rays. Since 1977 he has been an associate professor of the department.
Narziev Kh. specialist in the field of nuclear physics and radiation safety.
Narziev Kh. teaches atomic and nuclear physics and special courses for senior students at the department.
The results of his scientific research have been published in more than 110 scientific journals and conferences. Author of textbooks and teaching aids in the field of atomic and nuclear physics, radiation safety, dosimetry and nuclear spectrometry.
Narziev Kh. is the owner of the badge “Excellence in Higher School of the USSR” and “Excellence in Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.” In 1999, she was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Tajikistan.

department assistant
Phone: 935310747
Rudaki Ave. 17.
Kamoliddinov Faridun Jaloliddinovich
Born (17.01.1988). He has graduated the Faculty of Physics of TNU in 2012. He participated in physics Olympiads between students and won prizes. He completed his thesis at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov In 2013, he entered the full-time postgraduate school of TNU and graduated in December 2015. Since 2016, he has been an assistant at the Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, TNU. The students of Kamoliddinov F. participate at local and republican physics Olympiads. Kamoliddinov F. has more than 10 scientific articles and conference thesis.

department assistant
Phone: 901.91.11.06
Rudaki Ave. 17.
Latipova Sarvinoz Zikulloevna
Born (09.01.1989) graduated from the Faculty of Physics of TNU in 2012. Specialty – Physics, teacher. In 2007, she graduated from secondary school No. 54 and in the same year entered the Faculty of Physics of TNU. While studying at school and university, she participated in republican and international competitions and won prizes. She completed her thesis at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2012, she graduated from the Faculty of Physics with honors and began working at the Department of Nuclear Physics of TNU as an assistant. In 2013, she entered the full-time postgraduate school of TNU and graduated in December 2016. Since February 2017 Works as an assistant at the Department of Nuclear Physics of TNU.