The Department of General Physics was established in 1949. Initially, the teaching staff provided classes in general physics at the faculties of physics and mathematics, chemistry, biology and geology, and since 1979 at the faculties of physics and mechanics – mathematics.
Over the years, the department has been led by A.I. Lukyanchenko. (I949-I996), Mustafin K.C. (1950-1954), Machagon S.P. (1954-1956), Adkhamov A.A. (1956-I959), Sodikov Kh.U. (1959-1978), Boboev T.B. (1978-1985), Shokirov O.Sh. (1986-1990), Boboev T.B. (1991-2008), Nizomov Z. (2009-2010), Istamov F.Kh. (2010-2016), Akdodov D.M. (2016 to present).
Currently, the following teachers work at the department: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Akdodov D.M. Candidates of Science, Associate Professors: Sadullaev Kh., Muhammadjonova M., Sharif-zoda Kh.B., Gulov B.N. and etc.
One of the most important tasks of the department is the preparation and publication of textbooks and teaching aids for students. In recent years, teachers of the department have published more than 20 educational and teaching aids covering sections of the general physics course and physics workshop for secondary and higher educational institutions.
Teachers of the department, along with ensuring the educational process, are also actively engaged in research work. Their works in the form of scientific articles and reports are published in scientific journals in various countries.
For example, for 2016-2021, the teachers of the department published over 70 scientific articles. More than 30 of these articles were published in journals in the countries such as the USA, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and others. Over the years, teachers of the department gave more than 40 scientific reports at international conferences. The department also places great importance on training doctors and candidates of science. In the period from 2015 to 2020, teacher Akdodov D.M. successfully defended their doctoral dissertation, while Gulov B.N., Shoimov U.M. and candidate of the department Sharipov J.G. defended their Ph.D. dissertations. Teachers of the department constantly supervise the scientific work of students.
At the department, as part of the research work, there is a group “Solving problems in physics” for 1st and 2nd – year students and a group in general physics for students who have successfully passed the first round of the Physics Olympiad.
The teachers and staff of the department are engaged not only in fundamental science, but also conduct research work that is closely related to the needs of production. For example, in 2000-2010, a scientific group led by Professor T.B. Boboev studied the photomechanical destruction of polymer composites that are used for coatings of spacecraft.
Over the past five years, teachers of the department have prepared 5 textbooks in Tajik for universities.
Main directions of research work:
• Physics of condensed matter: linear and nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter
• Development of methods for teaching physics in Tajikistan
Educational activities:
The department is general education and trains specialists in the specialty – “physics”, “astronomy”, “radiophysics and electronics”, “computers, complexes, systems and networks”, “meteorology and climatology”, “metrology, standardization and certification”, “ radioecology”, as well as a course in general physics at the Faculty of Mechanics – Mathematics.
Teaching students general physical disciplines is based on the principle of practical activity, primarily in the field of engineering and technology; it is for this purpose that the department is constantly developing and introducing new training courses. The acquisition by students of general physical disciplines in their specialty is carried out by providing the department with classes in the following main disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and part-time)
General professional disciplines:
1. General physics-mechanics
2. General physics-Molecular physics
3. General physics – Electricity and magnetism
4. General physics – All parts (for the Faculty of Mechanics – Mathematics)
5. Physics Laboratory-Mechanics
6. Physics Laboratory -Molecular physics
7. Physics Laboratory – Electricity and magnetism
8. Physics Laboratory – All parts (for the Faculty of Mechanics – Mathematics)
Centers, offices, laboratories:
The department has educational and methodological laboratories as well as an auditorium with innovative and resource-saving technology for cognitive training: video lectures, slide lectures, video conferences.
1. Mechanics laboratory
2. Laboratory of molecular physics
3. Laboratory of Electricity and Magnetism
4. Laboratory of Optics and Atomic Physics

Head of the department
Dushanbe, Buni Khisorak street, educational building 16
Akdodov Donayor Mavlobakhshovich
Head of the Department of General Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Born on December 8, 1977 in the Tajik SSR, GBAO, Shugnan district. After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Khorog State University named M. Nazarshoeva in 2000, was retained at the Department of General Physics as an assistant. From 08/01/2001 to 12/31/2001 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant in the theoretical physics sector of the Physic – Technical Institute named after. S.U. Umarova Academic Science of Republic of Tajikistan . In 2002, he entered graduate school at the Physico-Technical Institute S.U. Umarov Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, from which he graduated in 2005. From 2005 to August 2006 he worked as a junior researcher at the physic-Technical Institute. S.U. Umarova Academic Science of Republic of Tajikistan. From September 2006 to the present time he has been working at the Department of General Physics of the Tajik National University. During this period, Akdodov D.M. worked as an assistant (2005-2008), senior lecturer (2008-2011), associate professor (2011-2016) at the Department of General Physics of the Tajik National University. From June 2016 to the present, he is the head of the Department of General Physics.

Dushanbe, Buni Khisorak street, educational building 16
Mukhamadzhonova Mamnuna Boirovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Born on December 8, 1947 in the city of Dushanbe, Tajik SSR. In 1955 I went to first grade at secondary school No. 6 in Dushanbe. Graduated from Tajik State University named after. V.I. Lenin (1971) and graduate school at the Physicotechnical Institute. A.F. Ioffe A.I. USSR (1986). Her professional activities include the positions of senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Dushanbe Pedagogical University (1971), assistant at the same department (1973), and senior lecturer (1988). From 1994 to 1996 – senior lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Tajik Technical University. acad. M.S.Oshimi. Since 1998, she has been an associate professor at the Department of General Physics at the Tajik National University. Scientific work of Mukhamadzhonova M.B. in the field of physics of the high-strength state of solids consists of studying the correlation between the mechanical properties of so-called “model composites” and their dislocation structure, as well as the application of infrared molecular spectroscopy in medicine. Mukhamadzhonova is the author of 14 scientific articles and 2 methodological manuals. Winner of the badge “Excellence in Public Education of Tajikistan.”

Dushanbe, Buni Khisorak street, educational building 16
Sharifzoda Hasan Bozorovich
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Born on January 31, 1954 in the city of Dushanbe, Tajik SSR. His professional activities include the positions of assistant at the department of general and theoretical physics of the Kulyab Pedagogical University (1976), senior lecturer (1981), associate professor (1992), dean of the chemical and biological faculty of the same institute (1993), senior employee of the Chemical Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (1979), associate professor of the Department of General Physics of the Tajik National University (2002). Sharifzoda Kh.’s scientific works are aimed at studying the properties of radiogenic isotopes of inert gases in mineral and hot waters of the Republic of Tajikistan. He is the author of more than 25 scientific articles and 4 teaching aids. Winner of the sign “Excellence in Public Education of Tajikistan” (1999).

Dushanbe, Buni Khisorak street, educational building 16
Sadullozoda Khojatullo Sadulloev
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Born on January 29, 1937 in the Tajik SSR, Gonchinsky district. Graduated from Tajik State University named after. V.I. Lenin (1960) and graduate school of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (1964). His professional activities include the positions of senior laboratory assistant in the department of physics and mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (1960), junior researcher in the same department (1962), assistant in the department of physics of the Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S. Osimi (1964), senior lecturer (1966), associate professor of the same department (1984) and since 2002 has been working as an associate professor of the department of general physics of the Tajik National University. Sadulloev Kh.S. conducted scientific research in the field of infrared spectroscopy of fibers of various types of cotton. He is the author of 6 textbooks, 20 educational and methodological materials and scientific and methodological articles. Awarded the medal “Excellence in Public Education of Tajikistan” (1997) and the Order “Sharaf” (1999).

Gulov Bobomurod Nurovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of General Physics
Address: Rudaki Ave. 17, Faculty of Physics, TNU
Phone: +992935067010
E-mail: bobomurodg@mail.ru
Gulov Bobomurod Nurovich was born on November 3, 1974 in the Tajik SSR, Aini district. Graduated from TSNU (now TNU) (1999). His professional activities: head of the educational laboratory of the Department of General Physics of TNU (1999-2007), assistant of the Department of General Physics of TNU (2007-2017), senior lecturer of the Department of General Physics of TNU (2017-2020), and since 2020 Currently, Associate Professor at the Department of General Physics at TNU. Gulov B.N. conducts scientific research in the field of thermophysics of alloys. He is the author of 1 monograph, 3 inventions, 4 educational and methodological works and 60 scientific articles.